Strategies to Make Contract Workers Show Up and Stay On

  In today’s dynamic labor market, the demand for flexible staffing solutions has led to the significant engagement of temporary and contract workers across various industries. According to the American Staffing Association, an impressive figure of 16 million temporary and contract workers are hired annually in the United States. These hires are predominantly facilitated by […]

We Had Massive Layoffs. Now What? Navigating the New Normal in Hiring

  The past year was tumultuous for the workforce, characterized by significant layoffs across industries, affecting both small and large companies. As we navigate into another year, the echoes of a “Year of Efficiency” mantra resonate, suggesting that this trend is far from over. Amidst these changes, the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been […]

Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Contract Work

  With employment laws and regulations changing every day, HR executives must remain agile and informed to navigate the complexities of hiring and managing workers. A significant factor influencing this landscape is the fluctuating treatment of contract workers, heavily dependent on the current administration in the White House. This blog explores the dynamic regulatory environment […]