Fee for HireJar Service


The HireJar service is free for Clients for basic services. HireJar offers add-on services to Clients for a fee.

HireJar charges a fee to Candidates, all of which are explained below.

1) Fees for Candidates

Candidates are required to pay 9.9% of the amount received from Clients during the contract period. Clients should pay Candidates through the HireJar invoice app. Once the Client makes the payment, HireJar pays the Candidate after subtracting its fee.

2) Fees for Clients

The core service of HireJar is free for Clients. HireJar offers add-on services to Clients for a fee such as Recruiting and Employer of Record. 

Additionally, if a Client decides to hire a Candidate within one year of entering into a contract, the Client is required to pay HireJar a prorated fee of 9.9% of the Candidate’s full-year compensation. If it is a Permanent Hire from the outset, Client pays 9.9% of full-year compensation. (If the Client has utilized add-on services, permanent hire will have additional fees).

If you have any questions, please contact support@hirejar.com.